Our Story
Somali Canadian Association is a non-profit organization founded in 1987 to address the unique needs of new Somali immigrants and refugees transitioning to life in Canada. Through the provision of culturally and linguistically relevant services, the association offers important information and referrals to the Somali community in North Etobicoke including, but not limited to social services, legal assistance, education, and healthcare.
By recognizing the various barriers and obstacles the Somali community faces, Somali Canadian Association of Etobicoke aims to both broaden the services available to this community while combatting the hardships that hinder access to these very services such as racism and hate, poverty, and language barriers. The association has created and hosted various workshops over the years with a special focus on
vulnerable groups such as Somali youth and seniors. Through these workshops, the association and its staff are not only able to directly engage with the community it serves, but hear about their concerns firsthand, concerns they can then amplify and see addressed through current and future initiatives as well as collaborative partnerships with local non-profit and community groups

Our History
The majority of the Somali diaspora in Canada began emigrating in the late 1980s and early 1990s when the Somali Civil War first broke out. With the bulk of Somali immigrants and refugees fleeing violence and war, Canada presented a safe haven for them and their loved ones. Most Somalis reside in Ontario with the Rexdale community in Toronto being home to the one of the largest Somali communities in all of Canada. According to Statistics Canada, over sixty thousand Somalis live in Canada. While many Somalis call Canada home, this group also faces various challenges, ones that organizations like the Somali Canadian Association of Etobicoke work to tackle head-on. As racialized people, Somalis are often othered, experiencing both racism and xenophobia. There is a large Somali Muslim population as well, who must also contend with Islamophobia, hijab-wearing Somali women being the most visible and thus most vulnerable to harassment and attacks.
Our Achievements
Somali Canadian Association has successfully run and implemented various programs over the years, many of which aimed to engage Somali youth and seniors. Currently, the organization is running a youth entrepreneurship program, now in its sixth year. This program provides young Somali entrepreneurs between the ages of 15 and 29 with invaluable training, pre-launch coaching, ongoing mentorship, access to business resources, and start-up financing of up to $1,500 to successfully launch their businesses. The senior program is another long-running program. This program consists of a number of workshops, educating Somali seniors on the prevention and management of chronic diseases. In the past, the organization has also overseen programs that focused on other pertinent issues, including, but not limited to food security, access to legal resources, and youth mentorship and empowerment.

Our Future
Somali Canadian Association hopes to continue its mandate by implementing diverse programs with a particular focus on Somali youth and seniors and providing access to important information and referrals to the North Etobicoke Somali community. It is the organization’s wish to expand its services to reach an even greater number of individuals and families in addition to working to close the gap and increase accessible services available to this group
Helping Today. Helping Tommorow
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The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something
Tony Olson
VOLUNTEERWhat Make Us Different

We Educate
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We Help
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We Build
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We Donate
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Years of

Over the past years
SCA has helped more then
700+ people
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Becoming a volunteer is very easy. Just contact us! All who help us find the experience to be very rewarding. Whether you have one day or one hour it can always make a difference. We are very thankful to our excellent volunteers who go above and beyond to help our
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What People Think
SCA has helped me get a job in the Canada Summer Jobs Program. It is a fun place to work at and I even got to make my community a better place while working here
Sam M
I love that SCA continuously supports local seniors by providing them with vital information that improves their quality of life